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Education & Training

OHSU ID Name Inventors
OHSU # 3191-C Workplace Mental Health Support Training for Leaders - source files Leslie Hammer, Jennifer Dimoff
OHSU # 3191-A Workplace Mental Health Support Training for Leaders - individual training seats Leslie Hammer, Jennifer Dimoff
OHSU # 3053 Inclusive Language Guide Leslie Garcia, Erin Hoover Barnett, Rosemarie Hemmings, Ian Jaquiss, Octaviano Merecias-Cuevas, Amy Penkin, Phu Nguyen
OHSU # 2923 The Active Workplace Toolkit Bradley Wipfli, Sara Wild, Courtney Donovan
OHSU # 2576 iPancreas: Internet based on-demand artificial pancreas app-generator to accelerate clinical trials research Peter Jacobs, Joseph Leitschuh, Sos Oganessian, Jessica Castle, Joseph El Youssef
OHSU # 2473 The SBIRT Oregon website provides resources for primary care clinics and emergency medicine departments to address unhealthy alcohol and drug use through implementing Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment. James (Jim) Winkle
OHSU # 2392 The Drug Information Database web application Seth Hartman, Rebecca Britton, Proceso Neil Edillo
OHSU # 2191 The FOoD Kitchen Melanie Gillingham, Angela Horgan, Claire Held
OHSU # 2158 ACE-15, a brief psychometric measure of clinical teamwork skills Virginia Tilden, Elizabeth Eckstrom
OHSU # 1740 Tinnitus Functional Index Mary Meikle
OHSU # 1162-A The Pacific Northwest Anti-Inflammatory Reference Cookbook (PDF) Martha McMurry, Lila Herrington (Ojeda)