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Joseph Leitschuh

OHSU ID Name Inventors
OHSU # 2595 System to measure sleep apnea using portable non-contact sensors and a machine learning algorithm Peter Jacobs, Clara Mosquera-Lopez, Joseph Leitschuh, John Condon
OHSU # 2576 iPancreas: Internet based on-demand artificial pancreas app-generator to accelerate clinical trials research Peter Jacobs, Joseph Leitschuh, Sos Oganessian, Jessica Castle, Joseph El Youssef
OHSU # 2533 Adaptive exercise-enabled model-predictive-control artificial pancreas control algorithm Peter Jacobs, Joseph Leitschuh, Jessica Castle, Joseph El Youssef, Seyed (Navid) Resalat, Ravi Reddy
OHSU # 2526 Adaptive exercise-enabled proportional-derivative artificial pancreas control algorithm Peter Jacobs, Joseph Leitschuh, Jessica Castle, Joseph El Youssef, Seyed (Navid) Resalat, Ravi Reddy