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OHSU # 2530 — A fast and robust standard-deviation based method for bulk-motion compensation in phase-based functional OCT

Motion compensation algorithms are needed to correct for artifacts in phase-based functional OCT imaging, but current solutions require trade-offs between processing speed and  image quality. Research at OHSU has led to the development of a novel motion compensation algorithm that can be processed quickly without sacrificing image quality, potentially improving diagnostic interpretation of OCT angiography and doppler OCT results.

Technology Overview
Phase-based functional OCT imaging (i.e. Doppler OCT and OCT angiography) relies on the comparison of multiple scans for extraction of blood flow (motion) signal and, as such, there is a need to correct for artifacts caused by small involuntary movements during the scans. Mathematical algorithms have been developed to compensate for motion in phase-based functional OCT imaging, but currently available approaches have weaknesses. Specifically, the “average” compensation method can be processed quickly but has low compensation outcome, resulting in low image quality, which can limit physician interpretation and diagnosis.  The alternative “histogram” approach offers increased image quality but requires significantly more processing time. Technology developed in the laboratory of Dr. Yali Jia at OHSU uses a novel standard deviation algorithm for motion compensation of phase-based functional OCT imaging. Critically, this method provides fast processing speeds without sacrificing image quality. Direct comparison of the three algorithms in rat and human OCTA retinal scans revealed the novel standard deviation method had the highest signal to noise ratio of all three approaches, with a 62% improvement compared to the average method. In addition to increased image quality (compensation performance), the standard deviation method required less than half the processing time of the histogram method (see Figure). This novel algorithm can provide OCTA and Doppler OCT imaging platforms with faster and higher imaging results and potentially increase physician confidence and use of these platforms for diagnostic ophthalmic care. 

Wei, et al. “Fast and robust standard-deviation-based method for bulk motion compensation in phase-based functional OCT.” Optics Letters 43(2018): 2204-2207. Link
Wei et al., “Phase-stabilized complex-decorrelation angiography.” Biomed. Opt. Express 2021. 12(4):2419-2431. Link

Licensing Opportunity
This technology is available for licensing.




Issued United States 11,944,382
Published Japan JP 2021-520244
Issued European Patent Convention 3773171
Published China CN 112203579 A
