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Technology Overview

OHSU # 2054 — A guide for rapid assessment of antibodies following disclosure


A guide and decision for technology transfer professionals to assist in determining the appropriate commercialization strategies for academically developed antibodies.

Technology Overview

Antibodies are often developed as important tools during the course of fundamental and clinical research conducted at various universities and research institutions. These valuable reagents aid in research, diagnostics, and may be used as therapeutic agents. The global research antibody market is valued at $1.5B as of 2011 and is projected to grow at a rate of 2.9% over the following 5 years. University Technology Managers are often tasked with evaluating antibody technologies to determine the field of use and distribution routes to get these reagents into the hands of appropriate end users.  This guide is designed to aid Technology Managers rapidly identify key features of disclosed antibodies with the goal of determining the potential market and optimal distribution methods.

Licensing Opportunity

These copyright materials are available for non-exclusive licensing.



Agreement Type Price
Copyright Notice Academic $0.00